Your main screen is the Home screen. On that screen, you can see the current day with your tasks. To add the task you can click on the icon on the bottom of the screen or by tapping the calendar.
A new window will open where you can set your task. Your task will be automatically assigned to the current time(when press + button) or chosen time from the day. You can change the start and end times.
You can choose to have the task for the whole day – it will appear on the top of the calendar.
You can choose the task’s colour and the task’s priority. You have three options for the priority:
- Normal – Your phone will be in a normal state – notifications and sound enabled.
- Important – Your phone will switch to vibrate mode.
- Critical – Your phone will switch to silent mode.
The chosen state will be enabled at the start of the event.
Next, you can assign the Role. Your role is set to remind you who you are when working on a specific task. You can read more about the Role and its importance in our Knowledgebase.
The last part is the description of the task. Put as much information about your task as you want.
When ready press the Save Task button. It will appear on your calendar.

You can see the current day marked as a line on the day.
Your tasks are displayed on the current day.
On the bottom of the screen, you can see the Current Habit section. You can choose your current habit which will be displayed on that section to remind you about it every day.
Below you have the main navigation to the most important parts of our app. Home, Routines, Goals, Calendar and Knowledgebase.
In the top left corner, you have main navigation with links to all the available screens. Click through them and use as much as you need.
You can read the tooltip on the top right corner together with Settings where you can change the language, and read the T&C or Privacy Policy. You can also send a direct message to our support team.

Feel free to send us a message, we will try to reply to your questions.
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