Facts and myths about the ketogenic diet
The ketogenic diet, like any other fairly restrictive diet that promises quick results, has become very popular in recent years. Many people decided to try it, including celebrities and influencers, although it was often done without sufficient knowledge and experience in this topic. As a result, a lot of myths have arisen around this type of diet on the Internet and in the public. Today, ketosis as a diet has a lot of supporters, as well as a whole host of die-hard enemies. What is it like with the ketogenic diet after all? We present facts and myths objectively.
The ketogenic diet – what is it?
The main premise of the ketogenic diet is to put the body into a state of ketosis – a state when our body produces ketones in excess of blood glucose, which in turn causes that instead of drawing energy from glucose, it begins to take it from fat. So in order to lower your blood sugar, you should drastically reduce your carbohydrate intake. Therefore, the ketogenic diet is based mainly on meals that are high in fat and protein . This is to guarantee a quick, even instant weight loss. Is this really how it works and can everyone use the ketogenic diet? Let’s see what the facts are.
Eat fats and proteins at will!
Myth . While many people think that as long as they keep an eye on their carbohydrate intake, they no longer need to control their protein and fat intake, this is absolutely not true, and that’s not what the ketogenic diet is all about. Above all, remember not to consume too much protein, because in the long run it can be fatal to our health. However, it is worth focusing on high-quality varied fats, both vegetable and animal. All this, however, should be taken in moderation – even the best diet in the world that provides our body with too many calories will never make us lose weight.
Ketosis = deficiencies
Myth. Many people think that by not providing your body with the “normal” amount of carbohydrate, you cannot provide it with the proper nutrients. In this matter, however, a lot depends on whether we carry out this type of diet correctly and under the supervision of an experienced dietitian who will compose our menu in such a way that the diet is as balanced as possible. If such a menu includes various high-quality animal products and vegetables, and we eliminate all kinds of “junk” food, i.e. highly processed products, we are able to provide our body with all the micronutrients it needs for proper functioning.
The ketogenic diet heals
Fact. The positive influence of introducing the ketogenic diet on the treatment of certain diseases from the therapeutic point of view has been confirmed . There is often talk of treating epilepsy with this type of diet, among other things. However, it has also been shown to have a positive effect on cancer patients, but only if the amount of calories consumed is limited. Another example is neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, which could possibly be avoided if the ketogenic diet was followed early. Most often, limiting the consumption of highly processed products and weight loss are also the cause of better well – being – the same effect, however, can be achieved by using any other properly balanced diet.
Our body will be immediately adapted to ketosis
Myth. Although it is said that our distant ancestors already based their diet mainly on fats and proteins, our bodies will not automatically adapt to a diet with a minimum of carbohydrates. If we have eaten them all our life, our digestive system will definitely need time to adjust to the new way of eating . How long can this take? It is assumed that this period may vary from 4 weeks to even two months . During the first few days and weeks, people following the ketogenic diet may feel worse than usual, although not everyone has to. Even so, we need to give the body time to learn to function without carbohydrate intake and without using glucose as its primary energy source.
The ketogenic diet is for everyone
Myth. Despite many years of research, it is still not possible to say with certainty that any diet will be perfect for everyone. Certainly, however, before we decide on a ketogenic diet, we should do blood tests and then consult them with an experienced dietitian. It would be irresponsible to make such big changes in the way we eat on our own and without proper awareness of our health condition. Certain medical conditions, such as those related to the functioning of the thyroid gland, may preclude the ketogenic diet from being a healthy diet. And it is not about harming your body, on the contrary.